Unconsciously in 2019 it is a thing of the past, and 2020 has come to us! 2019 is the first year of parity in the photovoltaic industry.The price of photovoltaic materials has dropped significantly in 2019, which has provided momentum for the rapid development of the photovoltaic industry. The price trend chart of the photovoltaic industry chain from the beginning of 2019 to the end of the year is compiled for reference by photovoltaic people !!
At the photovoltaic module end, the price of mainstream monocrystalline photovoltaic modules has dropped from 2.25 yuan / watt at the beginning of the year to 1.75 yuan / watt at the beginning of the year, with a price reduction of 0.5 yuan / watt, and the price reduction has reached 22.2%; the price of mainstream polycrystalline photovoltaic modules has been from the beginning of the year The price of 1.82 yuan per watt has dropped to 1.58 yuan per watt today, and the price has been reduced by 0.24 yuan per watt. The price reduction has reached 13.2%.

In the photovoltaic cell segment, the price of mainstream monocrystalline photovoltaic cells has dropped from 1.29 yuan / watt at the beginning of the year to 0.95 yuan / watt at the beginning of the year, with a price reduction of 0.34 yuan / watt, a price reduction of 26.4%. At the beginning of the year, the price decreased from 0.89 yuan / watt to 0.6 yuan / watt today, and the price was reduced by 0.29 yuan / watt. The price reduction range reached 32.6%.

In terms of photovoltaic silicon wafers, the basic changes in 2019 are not large, especially the single crystal silicon wafers have remained stable for a long time, which also confirms that the market is in short supply.

In the field of photovoltaic silicon materials, the concentration of silicon material manufacturers is getting higher and higher, and the price control ability is relatively strong. In 2019, there are not many new production capacity put into operation, and the overall price fell slightly. The price of polycrystalline silicon material fell more than that of single crystal silicon material
